HI THERE!!! You come to the right place at the right time. PERFECT!!!
As I mentioned, this site is currently on its initial stage of development.
I'd like you to be a part of this site the same way this site will be part of
your online world. Let you be my co-designer and co-author as we create our
shared dimension in the world wide web.
August 22, 2001 - Mayo and Jing are the brand new parents of Noah Gabriel Manuel, their first born,
8.11 lbs son. Here's Mayo's e-mail just before Noah's arrival:
"everybody, nasa ospital na kami, i took jing here around 2am,
 More pictures
grabe, and now its 9:45 am,
she's sleeping, dinroga sya kase sobrang sakit na nang tummy nya. the doc had
poked her water already... kaya its a matter of time at nasa mundo na si baby...
we're both deprived of sleep, kaya medyo light-headed. I'm coaching her to do a
lot of breathing during contractions...
As of now as i'm sending you all this message, she's snoring and the nurse is
checking the fetal and jing vital signs..goodness .....i want to share this
moment with you all, 'coz it helps a lot to talk to ya'll.... kase we don't have
anybody here, just me and jing, and soon Noah Gabriel... so sinong ninong sa inyo,
punta na kayo kase dine... Let ya'll know later, what happens next, i'm taking
pictures and a video of everything. bye!" - Mayo
Here's another message from the proud Papa(Sept 13, 2001):
"yo, just checked your website, thanx for putting Noah in there. He's gonna be
3 weeks tomorrow, and still we can't get over the idea that we have a baby,
what am i saying, duh! I'm awake almost 3 hours either to feed him or change a
wet diaper, so we really do have a baby. No complaints!, we enjoy every minute
of it. Since he was born, he already gained another pound, and we thank God
for that, coz for whatever we're doing, i guess, it's working pretty good.
Well i'm sending more pics to you, alright! Thanks again!" -Mayo
More pictures...
SARAH's Wedding Day!
Noah Gabriel's New Pics
Welcome Joaquin Carlos!!!
201 outdoor-Tour of Luzon
Joanne T Sison: New MOM!!!
Welcome Noah Gabriel!!!
unexpected announcement
